Father's Day GOLD Collection

5g 2018 Father's Love Gold Medallion

SGD     660.00/Piece

The love of a father is for lifetime and unconditional. He is always there from our birth and will still be there until his last breath. He provides us with guidance as we grow up and will always lead us towards a better future no matter the circumstances. His unconditional love will always be there to forgive us when we turn from our past mistakes.
The love of a father is irreplaceable. Each father has his unique way of loving his child, but it always come from the heart.
The love of a father is sacrificial. He works tirelessly to provide for his child’s physical and educational needs.   
When a father disciplines his child, the child may not feel pleasant in the beginning and may even misunderstand the intentions of his father. However, the discipline of love to his child will lead to his righteousness and bring out the best in him eventually.
Every father wants the best for his child, for his child is the source of his joy. Therefore, we should all appreciate the love that our father gives, for he helped us to become who we are today.
999.9 Fine Gold
The image is embossed on a 5g 999.9 fine gold Medallion.
Numbered Certificate of Authenticity
Each Medallion is accompanied by a GS Assay Certification of Authenticity.
Product detail
Current Mintage: 2,000 pcs
Availability: In Stock
Condition: Uncirculated
Material: 999.9 Fine Gold
Product Year: 2018
Product Size: 21mm
Weight: 5 Grams

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